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Testing Information

Testing Tips

Before Testing

Antes de tomar los exámenes

시험 보기 전

  • Mark down test dates on your calendar so you and your child are both aware of testing dates.
  • Marque las fechas de los exámenes en su calendario para que usted y su hijo conozcan las fechas de los exámenes.
  • 자녀가 시험 날짜를 알 수 있도록 달력에 시험 날짜를 표시하십시오.
  • Make sure that your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test.
  • Asegúrese de que su hijo duerma lo suficiente la noche antes del examen
  • 자녀가 시험 전날 밤에 충분히 잠을 자도록하십시오.
  • Relieve stress about the test by talking about the test with your child.


Each Morning  Before Testing:

  • Make sure that your child gets up early enough so that he/she will be on time to school
  • Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast; avoid heavy foods and high sugar foods
  • Keep a positive attitude about tests
  • Encourage your child to do his/her best


After Testing:

  • Praise your child for trying his/her best on the test
  • Praise your child when he/she does well on a test or for the hard work in preparing for the test.
  • Talk about the ways you child can improve on the next test
  • If your child is struggling on his/her tests, talk to your child about those areas and meet with your child's teacher to find out the best way to help your child